• Platforms: Steam, PS4, Xbox, Switch
  • Price: $14.99
  • Release Date: March 26, 2020
  • Genres: RPG, Turn Based, Fantasy, RPGMaker,
  • Developer: Stegosoft Games
  • Publisher: Dangen Entertainment

Heya folks, Shaun here, and I’m back with my latest review! In this one, I’m covering an indie game called Ara Fell: Enhanced Edition by Stegosoft Games, and Dangen Entertainment. I purchased this game myself on Steam so this review is for fun and to add to my review catalogue.

Ara Fell: Enhanced Edition is a turn based RPG that was made using RPGMaker. The game follows a young girl named Lita who is tasked with saving the floating archipelago Ara Fell after discovering an elven ring. Lita is a reluctant hero but quickly proves that even the most unlikely of heroes is capable of great things.

There are a lot of things that I like about this game. Firstly, I love the fact that the game has so many different animations for actions. Things like climbing in and out of water, crawling, mining, jumping, diving, and many others. It makes things feel a lot more lifelike and adds another layer to the game.

The second thing I love about this game is its story and characters. Lita’s journey is a wholly entertaining one and it’s enhanced by its excellent cast of characters. Every character in the game is not only well-written but they each have their own unique personalities that makes them even more likeable. I also love Lita’s sarcastic remarks whenever things go the opposite of what she expected.

I also loved the art style and music. The art in this game is absolutely gorgeous, and the area designs are superb. Exploring each location in the game was incredibly fun and enhanced by how beautiful everything looked. The soundtrack was equally superb as well.

Honestly, I can see why this game has such a high review score on Steam. It’s an absolutely amazing game and I can see no faults with it. Everything is well designed and it was a blast to play through. In the end, I’ve decided to give the game a 10 out of 10, it’s a superb game and easily among the best RPGMaker games I’ve ever played. If you haven’t played it yet, I highly recommend doing so, it’s amazing.

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