• Platforms: Steam
  • Price: $4.99
  • Release Date: June 28, 2022
  • Genres: First Person, Horror, Indie, Short
  • Developer: Donald (Artstrong) Armstrong
  • Publisher: Digital Canvas Studios

Heya folks, Shaun here, and I’m back with my latest review! In this one, I’m covering a solo developer’s first game called The Chronicle by Donald (Artstrong) Armstrong, and Digital Canvas Studios. A big thank you goes out to the developer for getting in touch so I could review the game, it’s much appreciated, thank you!

The Chronicle is a short first person horror game that has you exploring a seemingly haunted area in a pocket dimension filled with strange sights to see. Since this is Artstrong’s first game, it’s pretty rough around the edges, and has a few bugs here and there. I’ll also admit that the game didn’t run very well on my PC, but at least the video I recorded came out fine.

Despite the game being a bit rough, and that it didn’t like my PC much, I’m still glad that I gave the game a chance. Especially since it was the developer’s first game and I love supporting indie developers in any way I can.

I will say that, there were quite a few things that I felt could be improved upon in the 2nd part of the game. The enemies were definitely one because they didn’t so much as “attack” you as they did bump into you while you take damage, which was definitely an odd choice. The 2nd was the way doors worked, and I’ve been assured that there will be no auto opening doors in chapter 2, which I’m thankful for, because I frequently got stuck between the door and the wall which glitched the game quite a bit. I’d also like to see a more detailed graphics option section so I can disable some of the more straining Unreal Engine 5 details so it’d run better on my quickly aging PC.

Overall, since the game was the developer’s first game, it’s understandable that the game would have as many rough edges as it does. The game is pretty short, and might be worth experiencing for some of the more adventurous of horror fans and don’t mind a bit of janky-ness. It’s definitely not a game everyone will enjoy, but even first games should be experienced too.

  • Story: 5
  • Gameplay 6
  • Controls: 5
  • Sound: 7
  • Graphics: 6
  • Final Score: 24/50

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